Maindy Centre, Crown Way, Cardiff, CF14 3AJ

Reliability Rides Update

Reliability Rides Update

This Sunday sees the 1st of the reliability rides. Please follow the process stated below in order for an easy registration and departure to take place.

As with all club rides, please make sure you have plenty of food, drinks and spares with you on the day. Please also make sure your bike is roadworthy, especially brakes as there are several fairly steep descents on this ride.

Please afford each ride leader the courtesy they deserve and all help out as much as possible to make the ride successful and enjoyable. Certain groups will be stopping en route, others may not. Your ride leader will tell you on the day.


1. When you arrive at Maindy there will be numbers posted on the wall of the centre and the fence of the track from 1-6. Park your bike with the group number you are riding with.

2. Enter the centre where Sharon will be there to sign you in. The cost of the ride is £3. Can you all please bring correct change with you as this will speed up the process.

3. We are asking that all riders arrive at Maindy at least 20 minutes before their group is due to leave. This should give plenty of time to register and assemble with your group. Please do not hang around near the front door and leave plenty of room for other users of the centre to pass by easily.

4. The groups will not wait. They will all leave at their exact time. Please try to stay with the group you started with. If you need to drop down a group for whatever reason that is acceptable.

5. The groups will be leaving in this order

Graeme Boswell will lead group 1 away at 9.15am
Dave Badat will lead group 2 away at 9.20am
Justin Parker will lead group 3 away at 9.25am
Martyn Lock will lead group 4 away at 9.30am
Bernard Brown will lead group 5 away at 9.35am
Suzie Warren will lead group 6 away at 9.40am

We`ve tried to think of everything but one thing we have no control over is the weather. As usual, all rides are subject to change, but let`s hope we get a nice day for a change

Many thanks for your participation and enjoy the rides
