Forthcoming events – please save the dates!
First, Happy New Year! We hope you and your families enjoyed the Christmas break.
With the New Year upon us, we want to put you on notice of some forthcoming key dates for the club. Mainly, these relate to events where the club will need the assistance of members. Our membership now exceeds 400 so there’s no reason why securing volunteers should be difficult.
All we’re asking is that you consider giving a few hours of your time back to the club to help ensure that the events it promotes are safe and well organised. We really do hope you’ll be able to do this. We’ll be sending out details of these events again, and again, but as most of us are beginning to fill our 2014 diaries, please make a note of the following and consider how, perhaps as an alternative to riding, you may be able to help.
February 2014
The Reliability Rides will take place over the first three weekends of February on each Sunday (2, 9 and 16 February).
Martyn Lock will be seeking ride leaders to take several groups over the set routes. Please contact Martyn if you are willing to be a ride leader.
Thank you to those who have already said they will help with ride leading or the sign-on at Maindy.
March 2014 – a big month for the Ajax
The Betty Pharoah Memorial race will be held on Sunday 16 March. This is an important, popular road race, promoted by the club. It attracts a strong field including participation from national domestic teams.
Please see the following link for further details:
We will need marshals, help with catering and with administrative activities like sign-on. Depending on what role you undertake, you may need to be at the HQ at Cowbridge Comprehensive School from approximately 0800 hours.
Chris Landon will provide further details in due course. But in the meanwhile, please save the date.
On Saturday 22 March we will host our Open 10 Mile TT, part of the Celtic Series. The event will start at 1400 hours. Again, this is a popular early season race. We know that many of you will be keen to ride and we encourage as many of you as possible to do so. But there will be a significant number of you who won’t want to ride too, hence we are appealing to you too to save the date. Again, we will need help with marshalling, sign-on and catering.
Liz Webb will be managing the arrangements, so please contact Liz if you are able to provide support for this important club event.
We have a Committee meeting this Wednesday evening and will update you about our discussions and decisions very soon afterwards.
Best wishes.
Graeme Donnan & Nia James