Club Kit Update
From Liz Webb –
We still have some kit in stock. Attached is a list of items left, including sale items, for you to download. Most of the sale items are the black / white shorts / bib shorts. These are the ones with the rear white panel. While some people are fine with these others have found them unflattering they are however great for wearing underneath longs.
Liz will have the kit at Maindy for club night on Wednesday 12th December at 8:30pm, whatever the weather. The kit will then be given to Muddybum Bikes in Rhiwbina. Muddybum bikes will be able to sell the kit from the shop on behalf of the club. Club members will still need to pay by cash or cheque made payable to Cardiff Ajax CC. Please note Muddybum bikes will only be selling kit to club members, so bring your membership card with you. They will also be provided with a membership list in case you’ve not received it yet.