Annual General Meeting 2013
Please find details of the club AGM below. The current constitution is on the website (in the Members section) and that any members who wish to propose amendments to the new constitution must do so as a formal motion that must be with Sharon Trivett by end of Wednesday 27th November. No further amendments will be considered at the meeting.
Venue: Cathays High School (Lower Hall)
Date: Wednesday 4th December 2013
Time: 7:00 p.m.
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Approval of Minutes of 2012 Annual General Meeting
4. Matters Arising from previous minutes (not addressed on this agenda)
5. Chairman’s Report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Motions from the Committee:
7.1. To retire the current Club Constitution and adopt the Constitution
presented as a paper to this meeting.
7.2. To elect as Life Members the following (current Vice Presidents)
Tony Hutchings
Jean Campsie
Jill Pring
Paul Pettipher
Roger Pratt
Sandra Hustin
8. Motions from the Membership
9. Questions to the Committee
10. Election of Officers
11. AOB