Maindy Centre, Crown Way, Cardiff, CF14 3AJ

AGM – Wednesday 3th Dec. 6:45 @ Cathays High School

AGM – Wednesday 3th Dec. 6:45 @ Cathays High School

This is a reminder for the AGM This WEDNESDAY (3rd December) from 6.45pm (For prompt start at 7pm). Please make every effort to attend as this is an important event – have your say on how your club is run and even offer to get involved! Please note track is cancelled for this date so that members can attend. I would be grateful for some helpers to come earlier (around 6.15pm) to help put up arrows/move chairs. Please message/email me if you can help out.

PLEASE NOTE: We have had to change back to the LOWER HALL due to an exam taking place in the Upper hall. For those that weren’t able to attend last year please enter via the main reception (there are bike racks outside here for those cycling). Pass through another set of doors and follow the corridor round to the RIGHT (there will be people/cycling event arrows to help guide you). On entering the lower hall please put your name and sign the attendance register. Please note all U18s MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Graeme B would be grateful if all previous awards winners could return their (polished) trophies this evening so that the engraving can be done prior to the annual dinner in January.

Suzie will also be selling Ajax Surplus Black Jerseys.
There are a limited number of black jerseys both in men’s and women’s sizes. Suzie will be selling these on a first come first served basis at the club AGM.

The agenda is as follows:
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of the AGM held on 4th December 2013: to approve.
3. Matters arising.
4. Chair’s Report: to receive.
5. Treasurer’s Report: to receive.
6. Motion from the Committee: to approve.
The Motion is to amend paragraph 7(c) (composition of the Committee) of the Club’s Constitution to replace with the following:
“At the AGM the Members will elect the Officers: –
i. Chair
ii. Deputy Chair
iii. Treasurer
iv. Club Secretary
v. Membership Secretary
vi. Racing Secretary
vii. Club Captain
viii. Welfare Officer
ix. Sponsorship and Grants officer
x. Communications Secretary
xi. and up to 8 Committee members.
xii. and a President
to serve until the next AGM”.
7. Motion to approve:
“Change membership fees: Senior membership £25, Family membership £35, Junior membership (U18) £15 and 2nd claim membership £10”
8. Life Members: to nominate and approve.
9. Questions to the Committee.
– “Please can we have clarification on mudguards as currently it is stated members ‘should’ have them not ‘must’.”
10. Election of the Committee: nominations to be proposed and seconded and voted on.
11. Any Other Business”.

Please email me apologies in advance.


Dave Medhurst